The Honey Sutras are comprised of "stitches in consciousness"~ meditations and short sayings which speak to the blossoming of the heart. Each selection bears witness to the fragrance of the sacred realm within us all, a realm of eternal love, infinite beauty, divine wisdom and radiant energy. These passages intend to plant the seeds of a sweet life philosophy, in hopes that the reader will learn to identify with love first, and not little fears or feelings of inadequacy. The soul is her base, the personality is second.
I wrote this book when my two daughters would soon be curious about the birds and the bees, and I anticipated having the usual talks. But what I most wanted to speak to them of was their internal radiance, and why they are worthy of the utmost kindness, respect, and love. I wanted to tell them how beautiful they are, how splendid life is, and what a contribution a spiritual practice can be to finding happiness, harmony and purpose. It was my hope that once they knew the boundless depths of their hearts, they could experience love from a place of fullness, worthiness, friendship and joy. I am so pleased that these words have resonated with so many yoga and meditation practitioners as well.
You are like a flower,
perfuming the air with your fragrance.
You are a bird
singing the song in your heart.
You are the honeybee,
making honey with your life.
Possessing ultra-violet vision,
honeybees see through flowers
to detect their hidden nectar.
When we develop similar vision,
we see the nectar inside others.
You have a heart that flows with honey,
a soul the essence of nectar,
and the pollen of good ideas
to help bring peace to this world.
You are the wind, the ocean, the moonlit lake…
You are the sun, the blue iris, the bee.
You are the rain and the green fields.
You are the sparrow and the sparrow's song.
You are the apple tree and its blossoms.
You are the nest in the branch of the tree.
You are the speckled egg in the nest,
and the gentle body keeping it warm.
You are the honey in the honeycomb,
the hive and the working bee.
You are the flower, the pollen, the nectar.
You are the golden candle and its flame.
You hold every joy, every sadness,
all that has been and will be…
Sitting in stillness,
you are like a plum tree growing
on the banks of a deep river.
Reach your roots through the earth
into the water to drink…
.…The river is sacred spirit.
When you stay connected
you do not feel thirst,
your blossoms grow fragrant
and you produce sweet fruit.
Love's kiss tastes of honey
drenching us with its sweetness.
The heart opens, unfolding,
a million petalled flower.
Before you can love another wholly,
you yourself must become whole.
The path to wholeness
sees the Holy in all things.
All long to be seen
through the tender eyes of love.
All long to be touched
by the tender hands of love.
All long to be heard
with the tender ears of love.
The eyes and hands and ears of love
know the body is a temple,
the mind a sanctuary of wisdom,
and the soul a sacred realm
from which each of us has emerged.
E very moment with each other
is a moment to be kind.
Every gesture, every word,
is a messenger of love.
Every day you spend together,
be mindful of its blessings.
Turn your heart to the sacred,
the sacred is always there.
As the bee sips nectar
without harming the flower,
walk lightly in this world,
taking no more than you need.
Fill your cup of gratitude
all the way to the brim.
When your cup overflows,
the spirit lifts,
and love emanates a peaceful joy
throughout your whole being.
May your soul absorb the fragrance of love.
May your heart sing out its many songs.
May your body dance, uplifted by its wings.
May your mind always know
expanding peaceful joy,
and through everything you do, my love,
make honey with your life.