"This book brings me to ecstatic tears every time I open it up. Ingrid expresses the inexpressible by pointing out the infinite beauty, the outrageous love that is right under our noses. She reminds me to love life like the precious gift that it is. Truly nourishing to the soul." ~Sama Morningstar
"I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BOOK MOONLIGHT AND REMEMBRANCE! i enjoyed it so much. I cried and smiled and was certain that you wrote it just for me. It is FULL of thoughts and feelings i have every day but alas have not a scrap of writing ability to portray them. The book is just beautiful, inspiring, and perfect. THANK YOU." ~W.K.P
"I feel the oneness when I read your books. I sat the other morning and wept in joy as I read Moonlight and Remembrance." ~ S.M.