This reassuring book offers testimony to the steadfast presence of Grace in our lives.
From the Introduction:
When we feel contended, we are living in grace. When we feel blessed, it is grace that blesses us. And when we despair, it is grace that gently holds us. Grace reaches through our loneliness to let us know that we are not alone. Like a shaft of light in the forest, grace may appear as an unmerited gift. We don’t have to feel worthy of it. Without judgment or prejudice, grace is there for us all like air. Infinite, eternal, and holy, grace is a divine current which runs through all things...
Available either in a hand-sewn artist version which is 56 linen pages, 3 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches, with a Japanese paper cover. $22.00
Or in a signed paperback expanded edition, 64 pages 4.25 inches by 6. for $12.00